

hello, world!

Hello, my name is Celine and I am a recent grad from Cornell University, where I studied Information Science, Systems and Technology.

I have experience in software engineering, product management, design, and writing. I've worked at large companies developing software, managed small teams to brainstorm and prototype a small product, presented and defended product visions in front of company executives, and written out thorough design documents and product requirement lists. As a student, I have been involved everything from leading an applications-oriented robotics team to writing text processing and data analytics code for a sociology research lab, as well as designing magazine spreads on InDesign for the school fashion magazine and managing a volunteering program for several semesters.

Professionally, I have worked as a software engineering intern at Google and a program management intern at Microsoft. I'll be working full time at Xbox (Microsoft) as a Program Manager. You can either reach me at celine.choo98@gmail.com or collect my pdf or web resume.

fun facts

My greatest passion is in the arts, particularly in literature and film. I've worked on writing, publications, graphic design, and mural painting projects and hope to continue this trend for the rest of my life. Art and its infinite possibilities (and astounding versatility and beautiful timelessness) are what gives me purpose and excitement about the human condition and all that it can produce. I try to channel that spirit into the tech work that I do, whenever and however I can.

For now I live under the delusion that some decades later I will be a screenwriter or film critic or comedy show writer and/or published author...

This website is made from and runs on pure fuel, and was last updated December 2018.